Thursday, May 10, 2012


Like human beings, animals are also considered valuable. People, who do not have human friends, cling to these animals for security and company. In fact, there are those who consider them as their best friends. This especially holds true for dogs. They claim that their pet dogs understand them better than their human friends. Thus, when their pets die, they really grieve over their loss. Some even vow to never own a pet again because the loss has been very painful for them. Nevertheless, this is not applicable to all animals. Because some animals are known to be carnivorous – meaning, they feed on meat – they could not be domesticated and be treated as pets. Doing so would be very dangerous to human beings, who are made of flesh and blood, because these carnivorous animals could feed on them.

          Even with this kind of danger imposed on them, there are still a few who take the risk of being devoured by these animals though. They are the adventurous types and they prefer dangerous animals. Hence, there are those who are really considered lovers of tigers, lions, and sharks. Distinct from lions and tigers, certain breeds of sharks can still be enclosed in an aquarium. Hence, they can still be called pets. Business-minded people take advantage of this craze and make money out of it. Some have even tried to make movies about sharks. Yet those, who could not afford to make a film of their own, capitalize on shark t-shirts instead. 

          Since a lot of men are more attracted to sharks than women, a lot of shark t-shirts are produced in men’s size. The reason behind this attraction is because sharks exude a masculine aura, so the aggressive trait of sharks fascinates the male community; and with this, the target market of companies producing shark shirts is men. These shirts even have shark images that seem like real sharks, and this is the kind of item that most customers really prefer to have. Some stores even sell shark shirts that can be customized. This means that customers could choose the design they want; hence, they are satisfied with the service provided to them. Nonetheless, a lot of stores choose to sell ready-made shirts because they are less expensive than customized shark t-shirts. In this way, they get to entice a lot of customers to buy shark t-shirts from them because they come with a reasonable price.

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